2017 – 2019

In 2017, aiming to strengthen its role and presence in the field of contemporary art, EuroMare took on the role of partner in the TransEurope Photo programme, which was part of the European Commission’s Creative Europe framework. TransEurope Photo was a strategically significant project for photography in Europe, providing a platform for meetings, collaborations, and the development of networks among professionals in photography and the visual arts from 2017 to 2019.

The programme was supported by three major European arts institutions: the Contemporary Art Foundation of Spain, which acted as coordinator, the Finnish Museum of Photography, and EuroMare in Greece. The primary goal was to create a sustainable network that would promote photography and visual arts, offering a platform to support and showcase artists through strategic partnerships and the exchange of expertise.

The project received 60% co-financing from Creative Europe and the Culture-Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, and it focused on three key pillars: Networking, Education, and Cultural Production.

1. Networking: TransEurope Photo facilitated both direct and indirect connections between creators through:
• A digital platform that enabled interaction and information sharing.
• Social media actions for broad dissemination of the project.
• Portfolio Reviews, preparatory and educational workshops that offered artists the chance to improve their skills and meet leading industry professionals.
• Professional meetings and collaborations aimed at developing artistic projects and group exhibitions, showcased in magazines and catalogue.

2. Education: The professional development of participants was supported through:
• Guidance throughout all stages of their work by specialised professionals.
• Meetings with experts and the use of innovative methods and new tools.
• Training sessions focused on skill enhancement and interdisciplinary approaches.

3. Production of a Cultural Work: The production was strengthened with the publication of a magazine and catalogue in 4,000 copies, as well as the organisation of three major group exhibitions. The digital platform served as an interactive database for 500 artists from 14 countries, offering a space for emerging photographers and creators and promoting international artistic collaboration and contemporary artistic creation.

TransEurope Photo aimed at groups of creators who use photography, primarily photographers and visual artists from 14 European countries. The program was implemented by its partners across three geographical areas, with the Contemporary Foundation in Madrid covering France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal; the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki representing Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, and Finland; and EuroMare in Athens focusing on Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Romania, and Serbia.

Spanning two years (2017–2019) and featuring a rich programme of activities, TransEurope implemented a total of 40 actions, including preparatory workshops, portfolio reviews, and educational meetings with top experts. A selection of 210 portfolios from photographers and creators was made in three hub cities—Madrid, Helsinki, and Athens—where three-day portfolio review sessions took place with 63 distinguished professionals from the fields of photography and visual arts. Additionally, specialized masterclasses, educational workshops, and international conferences were organised to network participants and enhance their professional skills.

A notable part of the programme was the production of three exhibitions, featuring the top 30 portfolios from each partner country. These exhibitions were presented in Madrid, Helsinki, and Athens and were accompanied by a specially curated catalogue published in 4,000 copies and shared on a digital platform serving as a database for artists and the public.

TransEurope Photo by the numbers: The programme collaborated with three leading organisations, receiving support from 14 countries and a total budget of €335.000, with 60% European funding. Its actions included:

– 14 preparatory educational workshops.
– 9 days of portfolio reviews (3 days per city) with a total of 1.512 to 1.890 meetings.
– Three weeks of formative actions, including masterclasses, workshops, and special events.
– Three exhibitions with the potential for international presentation.